During the month of March,
leprechauns are very popular in my practice
and serve as an excellent catalyst for listening, spoken language and F-U- N!
Source:http://sweetclipart.com/cute-saint-patricks-day-scene-791ion |
We talk about Ireland, traditions and mischief because-
That's What Leprechauns Do
By Eve Bunting |
The leprechauns are a great way to introduce listening for absurdities.
Listening for absurdities keeps your child’s ears
Source: FotoliaMonthl.com |
“Is that what I heard?” “Did I mishear?” “Was
that a joke?”
During the month of March some of our school age children target
listening for and talking about "ABSURDITIES".
This focuses on:
Auditory Association
Auditory Comprehension
Auditory Processing and Critical Thinking Skills
Absurdity is at the core of both critical, cause-and-effect thinking and basic humor.
Listening For Absurdites Fun Deck and App http://www.superduperinc.com |
Research offers evidence of the value of understanding humor as a key element
in developing higher-level language skills and complex language patterns.
These skills are often weak for children with hearing loss without intervention.
Understanding humor is tool for promoting pragmatic language skills, social skills, communication competence,
emotional balance and stimulating intellectual growth
The children at the Auditory Verbal Center of Wheaton will be ready
by the time April Fool's Day arrives.
Source: Happy Holidays2014.com |