Thursday, May 31, 2018

Kicking Off Summer Read Aloud

Summer by Alice Low
 is my kick off to the season read aloud in AVT. 
Listening to the rhyming text leads to prediction and auditory closure skills.

 “Oh, the wonderful things that summer brings—swimming at the beach, making sand castles, catching butterflies, eating watermelon, toasting marshmallows, watching fireworks!” 

Turtle Crossing and Auditory Verbal Therapy

I told a Little Listener and his Dad that I saw a big turtle in the middle of the road this morning.

 Hours later I received a text from their Nanny saying he told her the story about the turtle. This 3 year old listened, comprehended, remembered and retold the story later in the day! WooHoo! 

My turtle adventure turned into this language rich turtle craft.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Scripps National Spelling Bee 2018

Listen to Neil Maes spell and move on to Round Three at the 
Scripps National Spelling Bee 2018. 

Listening and spoken language skills lead to literacy in kids who are deaf and hard of hearing. #auditoryverbaltherapy#HearSayLW,#cochlearimplants #deaf