Thursday, June 13, 2019

Auditory Verbal Graduate - Plans to Obtain her M.D.- Ph.D. and Pursue Research in Otolaryngology.

Congratulations to one of my auditory verbal graduates Caroline Yuk who is a psychology and biology major combined with a minor in computing technological sciences. She plans to obtain her M.D.- Ph.D. and pursue research in Otolaryngology.  As a cochlear implant recipient, she understands first-hand the importance of merging technology with medicine. Caroline was recently awarded an AG Bell’s scholarship for students with hearing loss to Engage in Auditory Research Program (STEMM-HEAR), supported by the Hearst Foundations. 

Read more about her in the lastest Volta Voices AG Bell magazine. 

Where does the time go? 
I was Caroline's oldest brother's auditory verbal therapist and also Caroline's the youngest of a set of twins. 

I  am honored to have worked closely with this committed family who did what it took for their children to accomplish a listening and spoken language outcome.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Ten Books A Day Keeps The Doctor Away

Oldie but a goodie article by my dear friend Lea Donovan Watson, MA CCC/ SLP Cert. AVT.

Children learn to read by being read to. So Read! 
Reading is auditory!
Read ten books a day!” 

Reading books that are a little above the language level of your child is important so that the child is hearing the more advanced language structure.