Saturday, August 24, 2019

Chicago Walk 4 Hearing - September 28th

Let's Connect

I'm volunteering this year at the Chicago Walk 4 Hearing refreshment  booth.
Stop by, get a cool drink and a snack.  

Introduce yourself and let's chat!

Monday, August 12, 2019

Do Listening and Spoken Language (LSL) Techniques and Strategies Only Benefit Babies and Toddlers?

Recently, I replied to this question from a Teacher of the Deaf 

Q: Can Listening and Spoken Language (LSL) Techniques and Strategies benefit children in the classroom who are 5 and up?  Many of the webinars I've seen the focus is on therapy for babies and toddlers, so I'm curious as to how these techniques will translate to a class of 4-9 school-aged children. I really want to ensure that my students are ready for inclusion settings/mainstream classes.

A: My reply to a great question

I am positive LSL techniques and strategies are beneficial to school-aged students and others! 

My LSL caseload has predominately been with families of babies through kindergarten. However, I have guided families of older children who continued to require intervention for many reasons such as those transitioning from a visual system such as Cued Speech, those identified late such as cross-cultural adoptions, others with autism, hearing loss plus other disabilities and so on.  The same LSL strategies and techniques (Audition First, Auditory Sandwich, What Did You Hear? Etc.)  which place emphasis on learning spoken language through listening apply to all ages with a wide range of needs and goals. I have provided LSL intervention to improve auditory skills and receptive language of children who are non-verbal and those on augmentative communication devices. The same LSL strategies and techniques can be effective when incorporated with teens and adults in post CI rehabilitation.  These LSL techniques can be powerful as a part of therapy for individuals with auditory processing disorders. So unequivocally yes!