Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Humpty Dumpty in Auditory Verbal Therapy

Activities that involve music, singing and rhyming are natural and enriching for all children,
 and especially for children with cochlear implants/hearing aids who are listening and using spoken language. Incorporate music throughout your  day. Sing songs and act out finger plays.

Click HERE for  printable HUMPTY DUMPTY story props, a minibook and rhyming words.

Acting out HUMPTY DUMPTY with a hard-boiled egg is a fun and learning to listen activity.
 There is a whole lesson in making a Humpty Dumpty egg. 

A few Spoken Language Targets:

For toddlers, focus on "more", "uh-oh", "sit down", "fall down" "broken" talk about the horses and more.

For preschoolers, some concepts to introduce while reading Humpty Dumpty are those, which require fine auditory discrimination involving syntax such as sat/sit, fall/fell, horse/horses/ man/men. 

You may also choose to talk about positional words (e.g. above, below, after, before, over, under, on, off).

Expand your child's vocabulary for broken with synonyms such as - break, separate, split up, fall apart, come apart.

Critical thinking and conversations can emerge while discussing how to repair HUMPTY DUMPTY.

Talk about HUMPTY DUMPTY'S changing emotions throughout the rhyme - happy, frightened, sad, hurt, disappointed.

Check out this free App: Rhymes for Tots by Emantras 
 that also includes putting broken toys together again!

HERE is a easy an experiential listening and language craft that involves making
 HUMPTY DUMPTY out of a yogurt container.

 My friend and colleague Dave Sindrey has  offered a 

printable Humpty Dumpty Game that 

your children/students will love. Grab it HERE

Dave Sindrey is a SLP and a Cert. Auditory-Verbal Therapist. 

Dave’s site is He is the creator of the Listening Room, which 

provides hundreds of free activities for parents and professionals working with children who 

have hearing loss.

Have fun listening and talking. We sure did!

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